Please register at https://lu.ma/thestateofweb3regulation
Seats are very limited, so register as soon as you can.
DeNites DAO invited representatives of Portuguese Crypto and Blockchain associations to discuss the state of current regulation and what opportunities and threats it can present to web3 businesses.
- (moderator) José Reis Santos, FACE: networker & comparativist, Blockchain-NFT-Metaverse and cryptocurrency enthusiast, advisor, consultant and writer;
- José Guerreiro Faísca, vice-president and co-founder of the Portuguese Blockchain Alliance;
- Hugo Oliveira, Secretary and co-founder at Instituto New Economy;
- Nuno Lima da Luz, Lawyer at Cuatrecasas and President of the APBC (Portuguese Association for Blockchain and Cryptocurrency).
A partnership with KI Group.
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